How to prepare for making a brand video: 3 main questions

A team of experienced and professional specialists can cope with the technical challenges of shooting a brand video. But a big role is played by what the content will consist of.

If the company itself does not know what it wants, even the most competent experts cannot answer the key questions. That's why you should always start with the analysis of the future video, working through the script and the so-called "stuffing" of the video.

There are three main questions to which you should try to give an accurate and detailed answer.

What is the goal of the video to be created?

The goal is the result you're aiming for when you're done creating content in video format. This is what you want to see after the demonstration of the finished product. A professional approach to creating branded video content is essential here. Otherwise, the result may not meet your expectations and expectations.

The goal of some clients is to expand the dealer chain, increase brand presence, enhance reputation and so on. But remember, there should always be only one goal. If you set several goals at once, it can completely confuse you and lead to the creation of not a coherent video, but a set of incomprehensible and unconnected stories.

What are the goals of a brand video?

Goals and objectives are different concepts. Objectives are ways to achieve your goals. Compared to a goal, there may be more than one objective. To determine a list of objectives, simply ask the question, "How?"

Depending on what the company specializes in, what products or services it offers, the task list can be varied. For example:

  • demonstrating the firm's reliability;
  • proving the company's competence;
  • convincing potential partners that they benefit from such cooperation;
  • guarantees that you are willing to provide;
  • the service you offer, and so on.

Having decided on the purpose and the list of tasks, you can move on to the next important question.

What target audience is the brand video aimed at?

Even at the first stages of video content creation it is necessary to understand exactly for whom it is done, who will be your target audience.

The answer to this question directly affects the structure, the semantic load, the emotional component, the way the information is presented and the style of video content creation.

Think carefully about who these people are, what is most important to them and why they decided to watch your brand video. And most importantly, what exactly they want to hear and see in it.

Make a list of questions and write detailed answers for each of them. It's important that this information is structured and clear. Before the final approval of all the requirements for creating a brand video, you need to reread the questions and answers once again. If the opinion has not changed, then you can proceed with the production.